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Routine snapshot

This is a sample of our routine. It can, and most likely will, change based on children's interests, weather and educators' plans. Please connect with us if you want to learn more about our routines.

(6:30 AM - 11 AM)

Free play time
Circle time
Morning snack
Potty training
Outdoor time
Centre time
Morning project

Early-Mid Afternoon
(11 AM - 3 PM)

Washroom break
Nap time
STEAM project
Tech time
Social gatherings

Mid-Late Afternoon
(3 - 6 PM)

Potty training
Afternoon snack
Outdoor time
Dramatic play
Afternoon project
Free play
Wind down games
Pick-up time

If you have any further questions, feel free to contact us! We are always eager to connect!

​(825) 257-5715​

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